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Colorado Newsline

Freelance Reporter

April 2022 - Present

  • Contribute writing and photography on police misconduct, homelessness, and other social issues.

Colorado Community Media

Community Editor and Reporter

May 2022 – March 2023

  • Wrote for weekly newspaper the Clear Creek Courant covering Clear Creek County, and for weekly Jeffco Transcript covering Jefferson County
  • Covered breaking news, education, housing, local politics, local theater and music along with investigative work
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The Homeless Voice


Nov. 2018 – Ongoing

  • Write on news and issues affecting the homeless in Florida and general U.S.
  • Manage and edit team of freelancers
  • Design 16-page quarterly street newspaper vended across all major cities in Florida

Colorado Community Media

Community Editor and Reporter

May 2022 – March 2023

  • Wrote for weekly newspaper the Clear Creek Courant covering Clear Creek County, and for weekly Jeffco Transcript covering Jefferson County
  • Covered breaking news, education, housing, local politics, local theater and music along with investigative work
